September 05, 2008

"Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days From Just ONE Clickbank Product!!

"Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days From Just ONE Clickbank Product!!

Now that's a pretty impressive boast, and these guys appear to have the figures to back it up.

So how reliable do you think they are?

For those of you who don't know, Clickbank is an on-line marketplace. You can sell (usually digital) products on there and they will deal with all the payment processing etc. etc.

My ebook "The Perfect Process project" is sold using Clickbank. They are reputable and secure.

The Clickbank marketplace contains literally thousands and thousands of products that can be purchased by just about anyone with a credit card. Everything is validated by Clickbank to ensure there is no fraud by the purchasers (although Clickbank do not actually validate the quality of the products being sold).

But when I saw this claim I was a little skeptical. However, checking out their home page they appear to have all the appropriate displays to back it up. This includes screenprints from their Clickbank accounts for several months, displays of affiliate checks sent to them by Clickbank and details of Google Ad impressions they have used.

All very impressive.

The product itself is marketed with the following warning

WARNING: This controversial report may be upsetting to a few misguided readers who've been duped and preyed upon by 'fast talking' gurus as two "underground" super affiliates reveal how their... "Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days From Just ONE Clickbank Product!!

In fact they then go on to boast

Hey, Steve and Tim here...

Look, before you read this letter, we've gotta' warn you upfront...

We are NOT famous internet marketers, we do everything to avoid "networking" seminars and we don't sponge off other people to gain credibility and cash.

We don't need it. We don't want it... and frankly we're planning on keeping it that way.

If you'd prefer to go off and listen to your 'favorite' guru harp on about their latest "discovery" then honestly, that's cool with us. Read no further and go check your inbox.

However, if you stick around for just a few moments longer, we'll let you in on a strictly "closed door" secret that'll change the way you think about affiliate marketing forever...

Too good to be true? Maybe, but for the price they are offering the deal for (less than $100) it may well be worth actually checking this out.

From reading the literature it appears to be using some 'grey' techniques to leverage Google traffic and point towards Clickbank products that will generate the most profit per sale.

I am hardly the one to try and foist anything on you that you don't want to use, but if you feel that you want to look further into this then I would invite you to go and look at the (extremely detailed) webpage and check it out for yourself

If you do make a fortune, remember who put you onto these guys!

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