June 06, 2010

General Musings for week of 28th May 2010

To the self proclaimed idiot who reversed into my car at the petrol station over the weekend- you are, indeed an idiot!

Now that we are well and truly into summer here in England, why is it grey and raining? Oh yes, that would be because it is summer here in England.

Thanks to everyone who came and saw my minor performance in Hartley Arts Group's current production. As the old saying goes there are no small parts just small actors. I'm having fun on this show but it's not stretching me a great deal.

So Theo Walcott didn't get included in the England world cup squad, Is this the same Theo Walcott who went to the last world cup as the youngest English player ever - and then sat on the sidelines for the whole tournament?

Flash Forward came to an ignominious end this week. How can a show which was so good to start with, and received such great reviews and high audience viewing figures- end up being canned due to lack of public support? My personal feeling is that the hiatus in the middle of the series didn't help. I know I certainly stopped watching at that point. The same for Fringe.

Happy birthday to Carolyn who had a little celebratory get together at her place this week. I have the pictures and the video and I'm not afraid  to use them! (joking!). What was that chocolate thing you were eating?

So why have they decided to close the Link between the Waterloo and City line and the Central line in London between 7am and 11am? Until 2011! Surely the more sensible thing to do would be to close the link between 11am and 3pm ( ie between the rush hours rather than at the busiest times)? But what do I know, I'm only a commuter

Actually that's not true any more. I'm not a commuter as of Friday 4th June. My contract in the city has finished and I'm back to working from home managing the blogs and other web sites. A change is as good as a rest, so they say.Thanks to the guys in the office who got me a card, some good wishes and scoffed all my doughnuts. Hope to see you all at the end of the summer.

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