January 01, 2010

Top posts of the year here on the Musings Cafe

Listed below are the ten most read or linked to articles on the Musings Cafe in 2009

The Todoodlist : A technology agnostic, always ready method of managing your to do list
Poll - Tell me about your commuting habits: Lots of people looked, very few people voted (which was quite disappointing).
I see your lips moving but all I hear is..... An article about voice recognition software
The Movie Quote quiz (oh and here are the answers)
If you want me to follow you on Twitter. My policy on who I follow on Twitter.
That most English of Pastimes- Cricket - A few words for my non-UK readers
The Zealots. Its the Mac vs PC brigade. There could be fire and brimstone
A day in the life - What do I do all day? This article will tell you.
Would you eat Giraffe or Rat? A few musings on the nature of carnivores.
'Free' as a marketing strategy - Why giving away things is good for business.

Thank you to everyone who popped by and visited the Musings Cafe over the last 12 months. I hope you enjoyed reading the articles I put out there.

If this is your first trip to the musings cafe I would suggest you subscribe either by email or through RSS. Enter your details in the section in the right-hand sidebar and you'll be automatically subscribed.

Also if you want shorter, more succinct articles then you might want to head over to The Posterous Cafe which usually contains links to articles and pages on the web that I find interesting.

All the best for 2010!

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