I did see one thing that concerned me greatly though: One of the 7-year-old's was chasing down the side line after a ball. To his right was a player from the opposing side. They approached the ball together and - as the opponent was about to kick it - the first player pushed him away to get to the ball. The opponent fell to the floor at which point the other player immediately stopped, looked at the referee and threw his arms upwards in a 'I didn't do anything, Ref!' gesture. This was a carbon copy of any number of similar gestures made during the World Cup Final Tournament. It was quite obvious that he had committed a foul - and a quite deliberate one at that - but he had taken his queue from the highly-paid denizens of the Premier League and attempted to fool the ref with some wide-eyed protestations of his innocence.
A little later in a different match I saw one young chap effectively trip up over his own shoelaces as an opponent tackled him, fall to the ground and start grabbing his knee with a look of pain on his face. He rolled around for several moments until he realised the ref had ignored him at which point he quickly stood up and carried on playing with no ill effects.
If this behaviour is considered acceptable for the youngsters then I fear for the future of the game.

Old age. It get's us all.
Things I didn't know last week: As of the time of writing this I share one thing in common with Rory Mcilroy the Irish golfer: Neither of us has shot a round in the 70's at St Andrews. The details behind ths will probably form a post a little later this week. Stay tuned for that
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